Today saw an enjoyable session with a Stockport duo here at South City MCR. Recording to a backing track, we tracked vocals through Neve 1073 and SSL pre amps. Great sounding session! We tracked both vocalists live together as that is how they like to work. The songs were from the 60's and 70's, so, I used a great tool in Pro Tools called 'heat', which applies 2nd and 3rd harmonics to every single track within Pro Tools, just as a tape machine would. The SSL mic pre has a VHD circuit in it that gives real 2nd and 3rd harmonics through it's transformer circuit, which you can get crazy with - should you wish!

This gives a real sense of warm tape saturation to the performance just like an old recording. On top of that I put slap delay on the vocals, again, a popular effect used in that era. That coupled with the old Neve sound and SSL VHD yielded outstanding results. It is as if the vocals themselves were recorded 50 years ago. South City MCR - Recording Studio, Stockport, South Manchester. Whilst you're waiting for our next blog, check out our social media: